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Our Location Gaya Bihar, Bihar

Our Terms & Conditions

Admission & Fees - General Rules & Guidelines



  • New admissions will be made subject to availability of seats.
  • Students coming from recognized schools will not be admitted without the original Leaving Certificate from that shool.
  • If they come from a recognized school outside the State they shall have their Leaving Certificate counter - signed by the inspecting authority of that State. (Transfer Certificate)
  • Pupils will be given admission only through proper channels. No special reference or recommendation will be entertained or considered.
  • The school management reserves the right to admit or retain students in the school.

Conversion Form

All students from Playgroup to Grade 1 will have to fill a conversion form & raise an Invoice for the next academic year as per the schedule forwarded by the school every year for admission to the next class. This will ensure natural promotion to the next class subject to the academic performance, attendance and other general rules & regulations of the school.

It will be assumed that a parent is not interested in taking admission for the next academic year if the conversion form and Invoice are not raised on or before the last date. These seats will then be filled by fresh applications.

No application will be entertained for conversion after the last date.


School Uniform & Appearance

  • Students are expected to dress and behave in a manner appropriate to the membership of the school and should observe the prescribed uniform regulations throughout the school day and on occasions as announced by the school.
  • Neat and tidy school uniform recommended by the school with identity card must be worn daily by the students. Students without the same will not be permitted in.
  • Socks and shoes as per sample approved by the school must be worn by the students. wrist watch with black strap and black hair accessories as recommended by school must be worn.
  • Students are required to be neat and clean in their general appearance. Girls should have their hair plaited or tied neatly and boys should have their hair trimmed. Hair may not be coloured, tinted or highlighted. The school believes in simplicity and students are not permitted to wear ostentatious or expensive items like jewellery, fancy watches, wristbands or similar accessories in the school. Only plain black colour hair bands, ribbons, rubber bands, belts etc. are allowed.
  • Sweaters/Cardigans should be as recommended by school only.  No other colours or fancy designs will be allowed in the school premises.
  • Fingernails must be cut short and kept clean.

Ban on Use of Mobile Phones

Mobile and other portable devices like Ipads, Ipods, and Tablets etc. shall not be allowed to be used or seen in the school campus at any time. The school shall not be responsible for any incidences of theft or devices getting misplaced or misused. Also, all such devices, if found will be confiscated by a member of the school staff and will only be returned back to parents later by the Principal only after calling them to the school.

In case, you need to contact your ward during the school hours for some emergency, you are requested to call up school reception that would pass on the emergency messages to students.  The ban on mobile devices and phones is also applicable to break times and while traveling in the school bus.

School will take strict action against all sorts of cyber crime including slandering about school and its staff in any of the social networking sites by the students in and out of the school.


Parents are requested to ensure that homework is done regularly by the students. By 'Homework' the school refers to the entire gamut of academic follow-up that takes place at home and not necessarily just written work. At the Primary School level, student's time out of school should be their own time in which they pursue their own interests, hobbies and play. Often students are tired from the intensive teaching they have had during the day. Therefore, the school does not set excessive homework. However, at the Secondary level students are expected to submit their completed homework / worksheets on scheduled dates itself. Students won’t be allowed to participate in class sessions unless the home assignments are completed.

Events / Cultural Programmes / Extra Activities

The school may organize various events / programmes in the interest of its students and parents. However, as the school does not charge separately for any such events, programmes or activities, the organizing of such events / programmes / activities shall be at the sole discretion of the school management. Also, the manner in which such events are to be organized shall be decided by the school Principal only. Parents shall not demand or pressurize the school to organize any event. The school also reserves its rights to change / amend / postpone / prepone or cancel any such event in the last moment without any notice. The school shall not be responsible for the distribution and quality of costumes required for events. Parents are requested to take issues regarding the same to the vendors authorised by the school only.

Bus Rules

  • Transport service is an optional service facilitated and outsourced by the school for the convenience of its students.
  • The school bus facility available to the student cannot be expected or demanded as a matter of right.
  • The Transport Department at their own discretion has the right to disallow any student from availing the bus facility.
  • Students availing the bus facility will be provided with a bus no, pick up and alighting stop no. Generally the bus timings will operate within 10 to 15 minutes of the pickup and alighting time. Parents are requested to accommodate the same.
  • Any change in the bus timings will be notified to the parent by the Transport Department. Students will have to board and alight the school bus at the respective stops allotted to them only. The Transport Department reserves the rights to allot the stops.
  • Students while travelling on the school bus must maintain discipline. Any student guilty of misconduct. Will not be allowed to avail the bus facility. Eating inside the bus is strictly not allowed.
  • A student shall be refused the bus facility if involved in damage to the bus property. Besides, the damage done will have to be compensated by the student parent.
  • Discontinuation of bus facility will only be allowed term wise. However cancellation should be intimated before the next installment date. Cancellation will not be allowed once the terms start. Bus facility cannot be discontinued for any particular month.
  • No transport facility shall be available for other activities / events that school may plan on holidays / vacations.
  • Students/ parents will not have any transactions / altercation / physical fight with the bus staff.
  • Bus employees are not authorized to change/ add bus stops.
  • The school has taken utmost care for the safety and convenience of the students. Any suggestion / complaint regarding the transport service are to be made in writing strictly to the Transport Department and the same shall be entertained by the Transport Department only. The School management and School Principal shall in no way interfere with the decisions taken by the transport Dept. for the smooth functioning of the transport service of the students.
  • It is important that any change to the usual pick-up/ drop routine is intimated to the transport in charge a day in advance. Bus crews have been instructed to bring back to the school any student who is not collected by the authorised person at the designated bus stop. 

Library Rules

  • Silence and order must be maintained in the library.
  • Only one book at a time will be issued on appointed days.
  • Library books are issued only to the students of Grade 1 and above.
  • No pupil may keep the book with him/her for more than 7 days.
  • A book may be issued for a further period of 7 days, if there is no demand for it by any other student. All library books must be returned by end of Feb / March of that academic year. The Librarian should be notified by the borrower if the book is damaged before accepting the book. Otherwise the borrower will be held responsible and the pupil will have to make good the damage.
  • If a student loses a book the student will have to replace the book or pay a fine equal to the value of the book along with the penalty.
  • Any student who infringes the Library Rules will be liable to pay a fine or be debarred from the Library.

Extra Curricular Activities

The school arranges for extracurricular activities for its children at cost. However, the school shall be in no way responsible for the dealing between the coaches / instructors / trainers and shall not guarantee any kind of refund of fees, results etc as may be highlighted by the course conductors. No Parent shall be allowed to enter the school premises when the course / classes are on. Parents will not be allowed to sit and wait for the students in the school premises. No transport facility shall be provided by the school for any extracurricular activity facilitated by the school.