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Our Location Gaya Bihar, Bihar

Learning Hubs


Practice is the hardest form of learning and training is the essence of transformation

Words are powerful. Using them to inspire your dancers is one of the best gifts you can give a child. These inspirational dance quotes can impact your students not only in your studio, but overflow into their lives at home, school, and around their world. What you teach them will carry on with them wherever you go. Using inspirational phrases to motivate and uplift your students will give them the confidence they need to master skills and the self-worth that they are good enough.

To quantify a scientific and creative attitude in young prodigies and to make them familiar with the affinity of science, innovation and technology in our day– to - day life, Annual Science Exhibition was organized. It was a remarkable experience as our young minds embarked on a mission to unveil the mysteries of science & innovation. They wondrously wove science & Mathematics and gave spectacular exhibits of functional models and informative live demonstrations, ultimately showcased the scientific temperaments of our young scientists.
